Republic of Freedom
Republic of Freedom, headed by serial entrepreneur, Heather Thorkelson is more than simply a collection of the trailblazer’s writing or a sampling of her services. The Republic of Freedom is Heather’s home online, her brand out in the world and a hub for all those wishing to quit their full-time jobs in exchange for an office view that spans the globe and a free-spirited, located independent definition of “work”. As she puts it, her “office” is also always her “playground”. Heather is an earthy, no-bullshit, real-talk woman and this identity translates into Republic of Freedom. Working with her done-for-you brand elements and pre-established colours and fonts, I came up with cohesive imaging for her blog content as well as her social media. Together, we also brought to life PDF resources for her audience that would serve as more than the simple opt-in. The idea behind these resources was to give back multiple moments of value to her audience as well as to underscore her expertise in online business building. Besides her own coaching work with clients, Heather is working to build content and establish her identity as a female thought leader, making Republic of Freedom and her online presence on social the basis of that. Our engagement is ongoing and I’m looking forward to helping Heather to story-tell via video and to work with her to gear up a new program launch in September of 2016.
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